Friday, November 03, 2006

truth is beauty (or whatchu talkin' about Willis?)

At the bar last night the bubbly red headed waitress insisted that I look like somebody famous. She couldn't place the face for the life of her and proceeded to drag me to the bar and query the assemblage of barflies. Head shakes and shoulder shrugs were the responses all around except for the other waitress. "Montell," she blurted. FUCKING MONTELL WILLIAMS!

"No. That's not it. It's the older brother on that tv show." Puzzled looks all around and then someone threw out a "Different Strokes?"

"Yes that's it!" she shouted.

My god, she just told me in a bar full of people that I look like Willis. For future reference ladies, it is not a compliment to tell a man he looks like the crackhead older tv brother of Gary Coleman. Sinbad either. Will Smith on the other hand...

I ask you, do these people look alike?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Okay, out of all those pictures the closest resemblance would be to Sinbad....just kidding. It would be Will Smith. I could see where drunk people might think you look like someone they are familiar with? But, Todd Bridges? Seriously? I think the Montel Williams comment is a much better fit, except you'll need to make your head shiny.