Monday, March 27, 2006

visible injuries

(Sometime around 2 am an attempt is made to repair a broken necklace.)

Can you go get me the Krazy Glue?
No problem. Where is it?
Back closet, third shelf on the right.
(Off to the closet to retrieve the Krazy Glue. The container with four tiny tubes is exactly where specified.)

Can you help me open these? They are sealed shut.
I thought you just poke a hole in the top with a pin?
It's okay. I got this one open.
(Minutes elapse.)

Can you get me some alcohol?
Like a drink?
No. Some type of alcohol. I just glued my fingers together!
Where do you keep it?
Where do you think? Can you please hurry!
(Off to the medicine cabinet. Return with rubbing alcohol and a few cotton pads.)

It's working. You didn't have any idea how get Krazy Glue off did you?
I'm sure I would have figured something out.
I'm glad I'm friends with a lot of doulas. You'd be useless in there.
(I guess she means in the delivery room were we ever to consider procreating.)

Could you get me some more cotton pads?
Sure. Why?
I'm stuck to the necklace.

Do you think I'm stupid?


Miss Kelly said...

Do you think I'm stupid? Too funny.
I'm so glad to see you blogging again. Keep it up!
Adam and I were just talking about you - we need to see your hair! He gave up on the mullet rather quickly...we'll have to get him next year.

Anonymous said...

You really did leave out the panic.

And Kel: if you ever phoned, you'd know that the first words out of my mouth when I walked off the plane from Paris were "You cut your hair."